Σάββατο 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Answer to "Why the Jews Are the Canary in the Coal Mine"

Why the Jews Are the Canary in the Coal Mine

A) "In the Greek republic, glorified as the wellspring of democracy, maybe two percent of the inhabitants participated and enjoyed its benefits. All the other inhabitants of the realm were beggars, slaves or nearly slaves, peasants who were one crop-failure from losing their lands to creditors and becoming debt slaves whose debts would never be paid off and would be inherited by their children. They had no say in public matters. It is much like calling Saudi Arabia a democracy because the emirs all vote. One emir, one vote. Democracy in the Greek model." The fact that for exemple in Athens there were 30.000 citizens accodring to Thukidides(more than 1% to 2% of the population, or more precicely 10%) seems not to have been noticesd by the author of the piece who furthermore  made a very unfortunate and totally unjustifiable comparison with prsent-day Saudi Arabia  . In the case that someone points out that this was still a very small percentage by modern standarts (which is true), in the other hand I would like for the author to point out any other people in that period which had enjoyed a political system which did offer to them  a simillar level of represensation, let alove something closer to modern-day standarts.By the way it would be intersesting for the author to mention just one instance when the Jewish people did elect with free elections their leader, whereas the Greeks regulary did use free  elctions to make or break their leaders, and that was the fate even of leaders of great influence and renown such as Themistocles and Pericles or later Philopoimen.  True, there was indeed bebt-slavery in Ancient Greece but it was largely eliminated by the end of Archaic period,courtesy to the actions of Solon.

B)"Bible, and any number of disproofs that have been offered attempting to show that the Hebrew Bible is not reliable history. For one example, the great pioneer of archeology, Heinrich Schliemann successfully used it as his guide for major excavations." For starters Schliemann used Hommer's Iliad and Odyssey not the Bible! After all there is not a single mention of Troy in the Bible.
C)"Professor Gil-White goes further and states categorically that, going back to the first clash of Greek and Jewish civilizations some 2,500 years ago, all notions of humanism, all doctrines of the sanctity of human life"Apart from the fact that both the author and Professor Gil-White seem to have never heard of Protagoras (who was Greek) who supported the notion that the man is the ultimate measure of all thinks, or the Socratic mode of thiking as recorded by Plato seem to forget that  it was a ancient Greek philospoher Epicurus who questioned the notion that God (or Gods) intefered in everyday human life.Of course if the author of the article could find just one  Jew philosopher in the BC period (the very word and concept are Ancient Greek) he is wellcome!
D)"Constantine decided that he needed an official religion for the Empire, one that looked sufficiently like Judaism to hold the Romans, especially the "patricians" [ruling classes], but sufficiently foreign to Judaism that Jews would not accept it. He also needed a doctrine that required demonizing the Jews. Constantine and his mother, Helena, created it.Christianity may still have been a sect within Judaism, but two centuries earlier, contrary to the direct instructions of Peter and James, Paul had opened the "inner court" to the non-Jews. During all that time, the roads to Jerusalem were lined with crucifixions" Christianityu was not created by the Empeoror Constantne I and was sufficently distinct from Judaism to be persecuted by Emperor Decius, Diocletan and Gakeruis(and even earler to be villified by Tacitus) There is no record that these Empoerors ever persecuted Jews.
E) For example, in Constantine's Bible, "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's." (Matthew 22:21). What does the Hebrew Bible say? "The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein." (Psalm 21:1). Then what is Caesar's? Absolutely nothing. He too belongs to God." There is a word wich describes the state of affair mentioned by the author: the word is theocracy because only in a theocracy there is no disctinction between political and religious spheres...By the way Saudi Arabia has many characterstics  a theocratic regime....so I wonder who is this point appear to be more in accord with the ethos of Saudi Arabia the ancient Greeks or the author of the article?
F) Last but not least : Spinoza, by the time that he was maturing as a philosophical thiker had been declared outcast by the fellow Jews and so could have justifiably described as a former Jew
 Conclusion: I could have mentioned at least many other examples but I choose what I though that were the more glaring...These passages prove beyond any shadow of doubt that Prof. J.P. Golbert knows about ancient History and philosophy even less that a typical first year undergraduate in Ancient Hisotry of Classic.Perphars it would be better for him and all of us to conccrate his acitivy to the law nad to leave hiastory to people who actually know what they are taliking about....

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