Δευτέρα 5 Νοεμβρίου 2012

ΑΝΕΚΔΟΤΑ 5/11/2012

Why did God invent whisky?

So the Irish would never rule the world.
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Success in Marriage

A couple had been married for 45 years and had raised a brood of 11 children and were blessed with 22 grandchildren. When asked the secret for staying together all that time, the wife replies, "Many years ago we made a promise to each other: the first one to pack up and leave has to take all the kids."

Open the Can

A chemist, a physicist, and a mathematician are stranded on an island when a can of food rolls ashore. The chemist and the physicist comes up with many ingenious ways to open the can.

Then suddenly the mathematician gets a bright idea: "Assume we have a can opener ..."

Top Reasons For Joining The Church Choir

- You're running out of clean clothes and the robe saves on laundry.

- The church is usually crowded and you want to make sure you always have a seat.

- You've just been selected for jury duty and you want to get use to sitting with a large group of people.

- The collection plate is never passed to the choir.

- There's a clock in the back of the church and you want to know when one hour has passed.

- For years you have wanted to know who sits in the back of the church but were afraid to turn around and look.

- You've been known to nod off during the service and don't want the minister/priest to catch you.

- The chairs for the choir are padded and are the most comfortable chairs in the church.

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