Τρίτη 25 Ιουνίου 2013

Twins?-The Malloreon, Vol. 2 (Books 4 & 5): Sorceress of Darshiva, The Seeress of Kell

Science Fiction Jun. 24, 2013
Today's Emerging Author


by Oksana Sadovskaya
ISBN / ASIN: 1480230049
It was warm and comfortable in the cellar room. There was nothing that looked so unusual to her not long ago. “That’s strange,” Irina thought and looked under the armchair. There were several folded notes set in a stack. She knew very well that she could not read them, at least without her son’s permission. Yet, she tried to find excuses, persuading herself that she just cared for her son. Her qualms of conscience clashed with her curiosity urge. She told herself that she must know what it was about, that she had also some kind of involvement in her son’s life, after all.
So she put her hand under the armchair, pulled out the stack of notes, took one of them and folded it out.
It was a page from an arithmetic notebook, twelve squares by twelve, apparently prepared for some purpose in advance. There were some signs in each square. The signs looked unfamiliar; Irina had never seen anything of the kind. Were they symbols, hieroglyphs, characters, some secret scrawls? Irina did not know what to think. She opened another note, unfolded it and gasped. Everything was the same: twelve squares by twelve. But the symbols in them looked different. More ...
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Today's Bestseller

The Malloreon, Vol. 2 (Books 4 & 5): Sorceress of Darshiva, The Seeress of Kell

by David Eddings
ISBN / ASIN: 0345483871
Her Majesty, Queen Porenn of Drasnia, was in a pensive mood. She stood at the window of her pink-frilled sitting room in the palace at Boktor watching her son Kheva and Unrak, the son of Barak of Trellheim, at play in a garden drenched with morning sunlight. The boys had reached that age where sometimes it seemed almost possible to see them growing, and their voices wavered uncertainly between boyish soprano and manly baritone. Porenn sighed, smoothing the front of her black gown. The Queen of Drasnia had worn black since the death of her husband. “You would be proud of him, my dear Rhodar,” she whispered sadly.
There was a light knock at her door.
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