Τετάρτη 25 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Ανέκδοτα, 25/1/2012

Collected Comments of College Students

- He teaches like Speedy Gonzalez on a caffeine high.

- Help! I've fallen asleep and I can't wake up!

- His blackboard technique puts Rembrandt to shame.

- Textbook is confusing ... someone with a knowledge of English should proofread it.

- This class was a religious experience for me ... I had to take it all on faith.

- The recitation instructor would make a good parking lot attendant. Tries to tell you where to go, but you can never understand him.

- Problem sets are a decoy to lure you away from potential exam material.

- Recitation was great. It was so confusing that I forgot who I was, where I was, and what I was doing - it's a great stress reliever.

- Information was presented like a ruptured fire hose - spraying in all directions - no way to stop it.

- I never bought the text. My $60 was better spent on the Led Zeppelin tapes that I used while doing the problem sets.
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Death on Vacation

During their vacation and while they were visiting Jerusalam, George's mother-in-law died.

With death certificates in hand, George went to the American Consulate Office to make arrangements to send the body back to the states for proper burial.

The Consul, after hearing of the death of the mother-in-law told George that the sending of a body back to the states for burial is very, very expensive. It could cost as much as $5,000.00.

The Consul continues, in most cases the person responsible for the remains normally decides to bury the body here. This would only cost $150.00.

George thinks for some time and answers, "I don't care how much it will cost to send the body back; that's what I want to do."

The Consul, after hearing this, says, "You must have loved your mother-in-law very much consdering the difference in price."

"No, it's not that," says George. "You see, I know of a case from many years ago of a person that was buried here in Jerusalem. On the third day he rose from the dead! I just can't take that chance."

Dusty Housekeeping

My mom is a less than fastidious housekeeper.

One evening my dad returned home from work, walked into the kitchen and teased her, "You know, dear, I can write my name in the dust on the mantel."

Mom turned to him and sweetly replied, "Yes, darling, I know. That's why I married a college graduate."

Salesman to Policeman

A salesman, tired of his job, gave it up to become a policeman.

Several months later, a friend asked him how he liked his new role.

"Well," he replied, "the pay is good and the hours aren't bad, but what I like best is that the customer is always wrong."

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