Chapter One Established Prophecies of Dire Warning 2012 Draws Near The time is soon approaching, yet nothing changes. The curable symptoms are everywhere, yet the condition worsens. The end as we know it is barreling down on us, yet we don't move to respond. December 21, 2012, is not a lone wolf prophecy. It is not a Y2K event. This is an event foreseen by many brilliant and gifted minds, each predicting the same vision at different and random times throughout history, all of whom foresaw December 21, 2012, to be the beginning of the end. We MUST learn from the past to survive the future. Even NASA is predicting a catastrophic event, possibly of Biblical proportions, to occur. Solar flares from the sun and/or polar shift (polar reversal) would severely alter the life that we take so casually for granted. Every 25,800 years, our Earth, sun, solar system, and Milky Way line up. Although this great cosmic alignment is unarguable, what happens and stems from the alignment is highly debated. We must remember that everything runs on a cycle like our weather patterns and seasons. This alignment happens every 25,800 years and will precisely align on the winter solstice of 2012, a date that most of us will live to see. This date is real, as are the consequences of not acting now. We should live our lives in a different light and with a greater respect for the small things in life that we take for granted. We must open our eyes to see that everything as we know it could be over in the snap of a finger. Nevertheless, many individuals are too caught up in their everyday lives and don't want to comprehend just how fragile our way of life is. Some may think it to be cynical, pessimistic, or opinionated and just don't care to hear it, but a realist knows that with the good comes the bad, with the positive comes the negative. It's not just one-sided. The sweet can never be as sweet without the sour. The Maya The Maya calendar began in 3113 BC and is set to end on December 21, 2012. To this day, we still have a lot of questions regarding the ancient, yet extremely sophisticated Maya cyclical calendar, also known as "The Tzolkin," or Maya Sacred Calendar. This was their instrument for interpreting the date, time, and celestial events in the night sky with astonishing precision. To get the Maya prophetic Long Count Calender, the Maya communities combined their 365-day solar calendar, or Haab, with their 260-day Tzolkin Calender to form a synchronized cycle lasting for 52 Haabs, called the Calendar Round. Their solar calendar, the Haab, was ten times more accurate than our current calendar which is something that's hard to fathom from a supposedly primitive culture. In 2009, our common calendar system is called the Gregorian Calendar and consists of 365.25 days in a year, which is the amount of time it takes our Earth to orbit the sun. Each year obviously breaks down into 12 months of approximately 30 days each. The Tzolkin consists of 13 months of approximately 20 days each, and more importantly, counted the cycles of Earth revolving around the sun with respect to the sun's galactic orbital cycles. Their prophetic calendar, which last renewed itself approximately 5,125-years-ago, is due to end again, with catastrophic consequences on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012. "The Maya civilization flourished in what is now Central America and Mexico from 300-900 AD and actually had an understanding of 17 total calendars, some of which charted time accurately over the past 10 million years." (http://skepdic.com/maya.html) The sacred and radically advanced "Maya calendar was so accepted that it was adopted by other Mesoamerican nations like the Aztecs." (www.webexhibits. org/calendars/calendar-mayan.html) Using their three different dating systems in parallel, the Long Count, the Tzolkin (divine calendar), and the Haab (civil calendar), the Maya believed and predicted a disastrous convergence to occur at the end of the Mayan calendar cycle-December 21, 2012. The Maya were so meticulous and obsessed with keeping time that their calendar's precision was calibrated enough to predict lunar eclipses and galactic activity ACCURATELY thousands of years in the future. Yet, their calendar mysteriously ends on the day of December 21, 2012, and when the cycle ends the apocalypse and End of Days will be upon us. The Maya left their prophecies in codices, many of which were burned and destroyed in 1519 when Hernando Cortez arrived with the Spanish conquistadors and their fleet of eleven Spanish galleons. There are four remaining codices which can be seen and studied in libraries across Europe. If it weren't for sympathetic Spanish priests there wouldn't have been any message to be passed along and studied from generation to generation. The best Mayan codex was purchased in Vienna in 1733 and is known as the Vienna-Dresden Codex. This codex was deciphered by Mayan scholars to show destruction of the Earth by flood. The Maya were gurus and masters of the dynamics of astronomy and astrology, so much so that their temples were built to mirror the constellations in the night sky. Their temples and stone formations were set up to mimic our planetary alignment and, from a bird's eye view, replicate the orbit of the planets in our solar system. They knew that the sun was the center of our solar system hundreds of years before Western astronomers discovered that truth. The Maya pyramids were also built as three-dimensional calendars, an architectural marvel and feat. Many find it hard to believe that a primitive civilization could not only conceive of, but construct and build such things without alien intervention. The Pyramid of Kukulkan at Chichen Itza was used as a calender comprised of four stairways, each with 91 steps and a platform at the top, making a total of 365, equivalent to the number of days in a calendar year. The Maya are best known for their prophetic calendar that ends on December 21, 2012, but they should be known for their elongated skulls as well, another valuable clue linking the Maya with alien intervention. The unnatural, elongated skulls found near the Pyramid ruins of Kukulkan from the Kukulkan God that the Mayans worshiped have scientists and archaeologists utterly baffled. These types of unnatural, elongated skulls were also found in the ancient Egyptian pyramids. The Maya were so devoted to their Kukulkan God that they spilled their own blood with human sacrifices, and the possibility that they spilled their own blood for an extraterrestrial God is more likely a reality than a possibility. Have you seen Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, or The Coneheads on "Saturday Night Live"? Well, just like many of these other supposedly science-fiction movies like Star Wars, the Abyss, the Alien Trilogy, the Terminator Trilogy, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and Stargate, these flicks may not be too far off from historical fact. The real question is: Did someone get abducted by aliens only to get a glimpse of another species from another world and use that knowledge to write a book or movie about their experience? You might be thinking it is impossible, but after reading this book and dismantling the UFO fabric you might just reconsider that notion to be very plausible. It's called the "ancient astronaut theory" and suggests that mankind has been visited and helped since the beginning of time from intelligent species that traveled to Earth from another planetary system, or even our own solar system. Some scholars speculate the elongated skulls to be alien-human hybrids. Debunker groups and even some historians claim the elongated skulls to be a deformity caused by inbreeding. What do you think? If these elongated skulls were indeed caused by deformity from inbreeding then why are so many of these pictures hidden from the mass public only to be found in the Library of Congress in Washington? (http://www.burlingtonnews.net/skulls.html) And furthermore, if these debunker groups are correct then why haven't we seen this elongated skull deformity in 2009? Many believe that these huge elongated skulls are solid evidence of beings from another world as well as their attempt to create a hybrid offspring containing large craniums that provided them with superior intelligence, thus adding validity to the ancient astronaut theory of alien intervention with humans. The Maya obviously knew something that we still do not know to this day. Many believe that knowledge was shared with them from an alien species on how to live, how to build 3D monolithic temples mirroring the constellations in the sky, and more importantly, many believe the alien species warned the Maya of events to come and to prepare for them. Now, if doomsday was anchored to their understanding of their calendar cycle, and with every prior cycle ending in disaster, shouldn't we be a little concerned and heed to their warning of events to come? The Mayan civilization and their prophecies are just one piece of many to the End of Days puzzle that will be assembled by this book's end. The Web Bot Project The Web Bot Project is yet another valuable and intriguing piece to the grand 2012 puzzle. The Web Bot Project, which is a non-human oracle, was created in the late 1990s to pick and decipher possible stock market trends. They use independent mini-programs called spiders or agents to comb the Internet for hints and patterns of behavior for future financial news. These massive scans of language reveal a direct connection to the collective unconscious, and a gateway to the future. The Web Bot Project has an incredibly impressive record which includes the foretelling of the Anthrax attacks in Washington DC in 2001, the World Trade Center and Pentagon terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, the massive East coast power outage of 2003, the Tsunami in 2004 that killed 200,000+ people, and Hurricane Katrina in 2005, but it's the future predictions of the Web Bot oracle that strike a similar chord to other oracles' End of Days predictions. Back in 2006, the Web Bot remarkably made a series of predictions about the coming events of late 2008 through mid-2009, which we see to be occurring in today's day. Some of these predictions include the following: "In October of 2008, a global emotional release event begins-largely economic. The rest of the world will begin to seriously question the stability and reliability of the US dollar." The prophecies of the Web Bot claimed that a catastrophic collapse of the dollar bill was possible and foresaw consumer confidence collapsing by mid-November 2008. This could be a direct result of the recent government bailouts and failures of several large financial institutions in the U.S., along with the devalued U.S. dollar and the increased cost of living. The Web Bot oracle also claimed that a global economic collapse was possible in the Fall of 2008, cascading off the country's woes. Think of the U.S. economy as a lit fuse that was lit over the early part of 2008. The rest of the world has no choice but to react to the declining US dollar and the enormous debt that the US has accumulated and put upon itself. It may be a global replay of the 1932 bond crash in the Great Depression. The Web Bot oracle states that tensions will build in cities and scarcity will run abound. As the cost of food, fuel, and other necessities of life continues to rise so does people's levels of stress, and as the holiday season approaches, individuals find themselves taking extreme actions that they would've never considered in the past (and we've seen these hardships covered in the news lately). The Web Bot says the mood of the population will improve as people have a renewed sense of optimism that the corporate elite can and will be replaced in the elections, but the "us against them" mentality grows. This appears to be directly related to the recent presidential elections of Senator John McCain vs. Senator Barack Obama. People will briefly experience a renewed optimism and confidence in the promises made by the new president, but the mood will be quickly changed when they realize it's business as usual in Washington. The Web Bot oracle also foretells of a West Coast/Vancouver area large-scale earthquake around the 2009 time frame. Many have seen warning signs of this disastrous episode and it may not be the "Big One" but it will prove to be significant enough to be devastating to the area. It predicts that there will be a 2009 winter/spring natural disaster, which will cause people to become angry about government response. With the dramatic increase in natural disasters, such as, earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods, the government's inability to respond to the immediate needs of the people will prove to be devastating for many. The Web Bot foretells of a global coastal event likely in early to mid-2009, where it sees a permanent loss of low-lying territory globally and foresees that one continent in particular will get hit badly, but it does not specify which one. Places to avoid would be any destinations at sea level (i.e., Miami, Florida). And reaching the pinnacle of insightful predictions, the Web Bot project has predicted a life-changing event of epic proportion to occur in December of 2012, so we must prepare ourselves for what is coming. The Web Bot tells us that bad will only precipitate to get worse. (www.december212012. com/articles/news/Web_Bot_Predictions_for_2008_2009.htm) The 2012 event of polar shift will trigger a domino effect. Polar shift is not to be taken lightly, especially when our country's right and left flanks are surrounded by massive oceans that could rise up from triggered deep sea earthquakes and flood our seaboard states and cities. Once that happens, economic collapse and WWIII will become reality. The Hopi Indians Another spoke on the 2012 wheel are the Hopi Indians of the southwestern U.S. The Hopi Indians claim that the world has been created and destroyed four times already and that we're on the verge of a fifth transition set to start on December 21, 2012. The Hopi Indians believe the first time the world was destroyed by volcanism, the second was by polar shift, the third world was destroyed by flooding (hence Noah's Ark), and the fourth destruction of the world was by fire-all natural and extremely powerful forces of the Earth. The Hopi Indians, "Hopi" meaning "peaceful people," now number less than 10,000 and inhabit the four corners area of Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico. (www.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/erriuc/ aroundtheworld/1184959140/tpod.html) They called this area "Turtle Island" and it can be viewed as a macrocosm of the entire planet. Each Hopi clan performed a unique ceremony and the ceremonies together maintained the balance of natural forces of sunlight, rain, winds, and reaffirmed the Hopi respect for life and trust in the Great Spirit. (http://actionsbyt.blogspot. com/2008/07/hpoi-indian-prophecies-more.html) An ancient Hopi Indian tribe prophecy states that, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the fifth world will emerge." This will be the Day of Purification according to the Hopi and holds a similar proclamation to the Maya doomsday prophecy. Their calendar too ends with a once-every-25,800-year celestial alignment. The Hopi believed that "Turtle Island could be turned over two or three times and the oceans could join hands and meet the sky," which appears to be a prophecy indicative of polar shift. Polar shift would reverse our current North and South poles, throwing the Earth off tilt and is a rare event that Mother Earth has endured since the days of Pangaea when the Earth and her seven continents were interconnected. Our Earth habitually wobbles to a different axis after completing a once-every-25,800-year procession. (Continues...) |
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