On the political right, to be termed a progressive is to be called a dirty word. For a right-winger to support anything progressive is to be called a radical, a hippie, a socialist, a communist, or worse... a Democrat and a liberal, by their fellows. Few on the right seem to remember that Republicans often have been the forerunners of progressive thought in American political history and once proudly claimed the label. It was the so-called Radical Republicans of the middle 19th century that helped bring an end to slavery in America. At the turn of the last century, a progressive movement spearheaded by the conservative Republican Teddy Roosevelt altered the direction of America in the 20th century. That earlier progressive movement at the beginning of the 20th century empowered every American to be all that they could be. At the beginning of the 21st century, our country needs a unifying and empowering political agenda that bridges the current political chasms to restore American greatness.
Progressive also literally means making progress. The implicit positive meaning is that the progress will generally require a certain perseverance and focus to gradually achieve a goal over time. That is the literal meaning of progressive, to make progress. Progressively is a concept that Americans will have to keep in mind, because things are going to get progressively better or they are going to get progressively worse. The status quo cannot stand. Change is in the air. Americans have dug a big hole financially, and it is going to take a long time to dig out. The depth of our debt is staggering. Paying it down will be a progressive process. We will have to make serious changes throughout our society to begin the long, slow climb out of the mess where America finds itself. Progressively restoring American greatness will require a clear long-term plan executed over decades. All honest Republican and Democrats will admit that the aforementioned statements are true, but that is about all they can agree on! This progressive agenda is a long-term plan for gradually restoring American leadership in the world. This book seeks to restore progressively the greatness of our country through consensus. Unfortunately, to be progressive today is to be deemed a liberal, persona non grata, by half this nation. For the other half, to be progressive is to be a rabble-rouser that gets in the way of Democratic political gain. Most Democrats are frustrated with progressives, and the feeling is mutual. Perhaps a Progressive is not really a Democrat. As a nation, the politics of left and right have prevented 'progress' for far too long, and forward progress is clearly a necessity for the 21st century The Liberal/Conservative chasm that divides us, mirroring the Democrat/Republican fault line, has fractured our nation. Progressive politics laid the groundwork for American ascendancy in the 20th century, and it can do so again. Progressive has certain political connotations today that tend to make many Americans think of unrestrained liberal government...at least in the eyes of most Republicans and right-wing conservatives. It is a sad truth that today’s GOP has forgotten that a conservative Republican president, Teddy Roosevelt, shepherded the progressive vision into American politics. Perhaps it irks them that his liberal Democratic cousin, President Franklin Roosevelt then nurtured it. The current war between the parties has hamstrung us, and so it seemed appropriate to embrace the political title of progressive. It is a title that has history and connections on both sides of the aisle. Progressives should be promoting a forward-thinking political and social agenda for the new challenges we face as a nation and not getting bogged down in partisanship. This book is meant to appeal to all red-blooded, patriotic Americans, whether they identify themselves as Democrat, Republican, 3rd party, independent, or apolitical. Progressives are not a bunch of lefty ideologues, and progressives are not the left wing of the Democratic Party. A true progressive is a serious person seeking serious solutions to help America and her people progress into the future regardless of party agendas. This book seeks to knit together a progressive agenda that appeals to concerned Americans and builds a majority that can lead. Make no mistake because this agenda seeks to unite Americans, it requires Americans of every stripe to compromise. Americans must find a common ground, and this book seeks to reveal the common ground that is being concealed by the 'fog of partisan war'. Whether you call yourself a conservative, a liberal, a Democrat, a Republican, or are unaffiliated, you will find something in this book that you will have a hard time liking. Honestly, I set out to write a book that could unite average Americans and that meant compromises for me as well. I compromised, because united we stand, divided we fall is as true as it ever was. These ideas can allow us to progress together into our future. Continues... |
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