Over the centuries, the Father & Son relationship has been celebrated, talked about, looked upon, and written about. It's many diverse facets create and carry on with each generation. So often, this relationship is the least nurtured within a family. Most everything between a Father & Son is assumed. Words unspoken, thoughts not heard, cheers unnecessary. This book is intended for the Father & Son relationship to reach yet another level. A bridge, perhaps for a strained relationship, or even a new voice to be heard. The respect and perfect element for both Father & Son to sit and share parts of their lives they have yet to find the opportunity to do so. This gift, whether given to the Son after the Father has answered the questions, or to the Father from the Son who would love to know about his Father, is about as real as it's going to get. The questions are not intended to pry, but to learn, understand, create, open and allow for the next level in the Father & Son relationship to transpire. Take your time when answering these questions. Relax, have fun, and remember, you have a son waiting on the other side of the bridge. Eager, wanting and willing to know who you are. |
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