Chapter One “Mother!” Alexander frantically pushed his way through the dense forest. “Please wait!” He squinted at an angelic figure in a flowing gown gliding through tiny gaps between the trees just ahead. Pine needles clawed at his cheeks and obscured his vision. He lost sight of her. “Mother…!” Tears rolled down his face as he fought with the branches. His toes throbbed through his thin loafers. A layer of powdery snow blanketed the forest floor, burying his feet to his ankles. “Alexander….” The soft tone of his mother’s voice vibrated through his body. She sat at the base of a broad tree with roots stretching into the ground like fingers. The branches gracefully curved and dripped with emerald leaves that glistened in the sun. She gazed at him with a warm smile. “Please don’t leave. Let’s just stay here together,” Alexander’s voice trembled. His mother sat only feet away from him, twirling her thin fingers in the snow. A butterfly, marked with splashes of radiant red and yellow, made its way from the branches above. It fluttered around until she extended her index finger. As it landed on the tip, tiny specks of twinkling light appeared out of the air and danced around her. They bounced off each other with exuberance and multiplied. Alexander strained and twisted about, but it was no use. The snow around him turned to ice and swallowed his legs. He shielded his eyes from the glare with his arm, trying desperately not to look away from his mother. Her reflection took on a vibrant glow only intensifying the light. “What’s happening?” he cried. Then, in an instant, she was gone…. Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 5 * * * * Alexander gasped and his eyes snapped open. He caught his startled reflection in the window of his father’s black Rolls-Royce Phantom. It was just another dream. He had the same dream many times before and was certain to have it again. He took a deep breath and pushed his curly reddishbrown hair out of his eyes. “How long will you be away this time, father?” asked Alexander, gazing out the window at the tall cypress trees that lined the road. His tone was unassuming, effectively hiding any sadness he felt having to say goodbye yet again. Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 6 “Not too long, son, this will be the same as the other trips,” his father replied, not even lifting a brow with his usual polite smile. He was a proud man and rarely expressed real emotion. Anyone would be lucky to see anything beyond a polite smile. His eyes remained focused on the road. Alexander shifted his attention to the back of his father’s head bobbing around with the bumps of the road. They both shared the same curly locks and deep blue eyes. His father was an older version of Alexander marked by patches of grey hair and distinguished creases around his eyes and mouth from years of wear and tear. “Did you discover a lost city?” Alexander’s big blue eyes perked. “A lost city…? Perhaps…,” his father suggested, unintentionally fueling Alexander’s vision. He imagined himself to be an adventure-seeking archaeologist one day just like his father. It was the obvious choice since Alexander always made every effort to emulate him, especially now that he was growing into a young man at almost twelve years of age. The two of them lived in a very large house—much too large for only a father and son. It was cold and dark and the halls echoed, giving Alexander a dreadful empty feeling. With no mother around, the drab walls lacked a woman’s touch. The car hit a dip in the road, causing Alexander’s knobby knees to knock together. He glanced past them and frowned at his oversized feet wedged under the seat. The darn things gave him so much trouble, always causing him to stumble for no good reason. The kids at school certainly enjoyed watching him fall all over himself—his books and homework papers flying everywhere; or his lunch tray—depending on the time of day. Yes! Winter break is finally here, he thought with a satisfied grin. Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 7 It was the general opinion of the schoolyard that Alexander was strange and therefore must be shunned. His classmates found sheer delight in bringing Alexander’s wandering mind to the attention of Old Lady Impious, their teacher. She had black eyes and rotten lizard breath. Everyone believed she was a wicked witch who boiled her students with snake’s tails and other such ingredients to make spells. “Alexander Drake!” she would sneer, “every single day I have to tell you to get your head out of the clouds! Little boys who don’t pay attention in class get to stay after and assist me…with a special project.” She always put her shriveled face inches from his when she spoke, tickling his nose with the long hair on her mole. The other children giggled mischievously through their hands. He fixed his gaze out the window, refusing to shed a single tear in front of his classmates. Being in the clouds was a far better place to Alexander than being alone here on Earth. “I had another one of those dreams—you know, about mother,” Alexander uttered softly from the backseat. His father hesitated. “Uh huh….” It was his typical response—vague and monotone to the point of sounding asleep. He never spoke of her and was suspiciously secretive about his own past. Still, the vivid dreams were a nightly occurrence, and the unanswered questions loomed over him like a rain cloud. One thing was certain: Alexander was different from other kids. A spark dwelled deep inside of him and would one day reveal itself. Their grounds keeper, little Mr. Mousey, and his robust wife usually looked after Alexander when his father was away. They scoffed at him through the window as he created pretend expeditions and fought off imaginary creatures. “Huh—what a strange child. He has no friends and no mother. Just look at him carrying on by himself out there— Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 8 most unusual, don’t you agree?” Mrs. Mousey would ask, slobbering through the large gap in her front teeth. “Oh, yes, yes, most unusual indeed,” Mr. Mousey always responded with a twitch of his pointy little nose. This time, Alexander was staying at his grandmother’s house. Needless to say, he was thrilled about the change in accommodations. “We're getting close, Alexander,” his father said with an uncharacteristic hint of excitement. “Can you smell those beautiful trees?” He rolled his window down to inhale the incoming wind and briefly shut his eyes as if he were enjoying a memory. Alexander remained silent, not knowing how to react to his father’s spontaneous behavior. He sat in the back seat with a small grin, catching his father's eyes in the rear view mirror. “Young man, you are going to have a wonderful time at your grandmother's house. I hold some special memories from when I was a boy.” His father gave a rare smile. Alexander had to pry just a little…. “Will you tell me about some of them?” “Uh, maybe someday, son. Now it is time for you to create your own memories.” “Of course not, why should this be different from any other time I've asked?” Alexander glared through his reflection in the glass. The stern brow of his father in the rear view mirror was response enough for Alexander. He sat back in his seat with his mouth shut. The car turned in to a long cobblestone driveway. Alexander stuck his head out the window to get a glimpse of where he would be staying. The cottage was nestled in a forest full of fragrant trees and ferns. The morning mist had not burned off and the moisture stuck to Alexander’s face. His grandmother stood on the porch of the old brick, mosscovered cottage and anxiously waited to hug her son and grandson. Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 9 “You two are a sight for an old lady's eyes!” Her face beamed with excitement as she pressed her delicate hands together. He wrapped his arms around her curvy waist, Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 10 rubbing cake batter off her apron. Silver locks of hair fell out of her loosely done bun. She was special, even a little mysterious. Even though Alexander rarely saw her, he felt an unspoken connection with her. His father always relaxed a bit in her presence as well. To Alexander, she was a breath of fresh air. “My goodness, Alexander—where has the time gone? My dear boy, look at how you've grown! You are turning into a young gentleman like your father.” She paused for a moment to get a good look at the two of them standing on her porch. “Come inside, my dears; I made your favorite lunch, vegetable stew, and some chocolate cake for dessert.” A sense of peace flowed though Alexander as he walked through the front door. The inside of the cottage was cozy with quaint antique furnishings and hand-sewn quilts draped over comfy chairs. The enchanting smell of fresh baked chocolate cake coming from the kitchen gave him a momentary lapse of memory. “Okay, son, I must go. I am already behind schedule.” Alexander held back his tears to show his father he really was a young man and gave him the tightest hug his thin arms would allow. “Be good for your grandmother, as I know you will.” His father studied Alexander, taking a lasting mental picture. “Be responsible, young man. Make wise choices.” His tone was more serious than usual, and his voice even cracked a little, showing that he was actually sad. “Keep my young man out of trouble; he has a bit of an adventurous side to him.” “Uh huh, well, that sounds like someone else I know,” she said with a twinkle in her eye. He shook his head and frowned as if it were all nonsense and headed for the car. As he drove off, Alexander chased his car down the driveway. “Bring me something from your expedition!” Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 11 His father’s arm appeared with an acknowledging wave out the driver side window. Alexander watched the car get smaller and smaller until it disappeared around the corner. The tender hand of his grandmother brushed his shoulder. “Come, sweetheart, let’s get you settled in. You will stay in your father’s old room. Everything in that room has remained exactly as it was when he was there. I never changed anything.” With each passing moment, his connection to his grandmother grew stronger. He knew she was someone he truly loved. What he did not know was just how significant their relationship was. Alexander grabbed her hand and grinned. “Oh, I'm glad you're here, Alexander. In fact, now is the perfect time for you to be here. I've been waiting for this day,” she whispered with a wise smile and a wink. Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 12 Chapter Two Alexander pushed open the squeaky door to his father’s old bedroom. The midday sun beamed through the window just over his bed. He stood in the doorway with sweaty palms, allowing the details to soak in. Hand-drawn maps and pictures covered the walls. A simple wooden desk holding a journal and a well-used compass stood undisturbed against the wall. The notion of taking an expedition using old maps once belonging to his father sparked excitement and gave them a small connection. He took a deep breath to squeeze the bittersweet feeling out of his chest. He knew very little of his father—the most important person in the world to him and a complete stranger. A large, uncomfortable lump gathered in his throat. He gulped and winced as it slowly slid to his gut. Alexander had no sense of identity or belonging. Before he left his grandmother's, he was determined to have some answers about both of his parents. His fingers fumbled over the latches of his suitcase. The sooner he unpacked, the sooner he would get to start his investigation. He stumbled across the room with an oversized bundle of clothes in his arms. The creaky old drawers opened with little effort, except for the bottom drawer. Just my luck…! Alexander peeked through a tiny crease to see a box large enough to cause a jam. He squeezed his skinny fingers into the narrow space and gave a nudge, shifting the box just enough. After a good yank, the drawer flew open and out bounced the box, creating a thick cloud of dust. He coughed and flailed his arms around until the dust faded. The creases and cracks along the surface of the box suggested it must have been very old, and a painting of a Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 13 familiar tree decorated the lid. Alexander gasped. It looked exactly like the emerald tree from his dreams. Soft chiming echoed from the sides of the box, creating a melody as he opened the lid. A curious key that certainly would not open a typical door sat perfectly centered inside. It appeared brown and rigid like the trunk of a tree, but felt cool and heavy like copper. A sunray slivered through the window directly onto the key, prompting it to chime and vibrate. Alexander’s eyes sparkled. I wonder if this is a magic key…. More maps and pictures drawn on a strange tweed fabric sat under the key. The maps were not from anywhere familiar to Alexander. The drawings were similar to those hanging on the wall except for one, which immediately caught his attention. He scrambled to pull the drawing out of the box and held it against the sunlight. Every detail of the picture was perfect. It was a woman smiling playfully, presumably at the artist drawing the picture. The name Celeste was scribbled in red ink along the bottom. It was Alexander's mother. “This is incredible,” he gasped. Her appearance, light brown flowing hair and soft olive green eyes, was exactly as it was in his dreams right down to the finest detail. She was true grace in every sense of the word. Alexander's wish at that moment was to leap into the picture and stay there forever. To him, she was an angel. Bitterness toward his father stemming from the years of secrecy seeped to the surface. He only wanted to know his mother on some level. All the while, she lay stashed away in a drawer. For Alexander, his father's frigid disposition was hurtful, perhaps even unforgivable. A thunderous boom shook the cottage. The sun disappeared behind the clouds, and the rain began to fall outside. Tears welled up in his eyes. Broken hearted and bogged down with resentment, Alexander burrowed into his Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 14 father's old bed and gazed at the image of his mother for hours while the rain pounded against the window. The evening crept in unnoticed, bringing darkness into the room. Light from the rest of the cottage flooded in when his grandmother pushed the door open. “Are you okay, sweetheart? I hope you were able to rest.” Alexander sat up covering his swollen face with his hands. “Yes, I'm okay, Grandmother, I just lost track of the time,” he replied, squinting at the light. “Come now, dear, you should eat something.” After a good meal and bath, it was finally time to get some sleep. The following day promised to be busy with a lot more investigating. He took one last look at his mother and turned the lights out. With a heavy sigh, he fell back, sinking his head into the pillow. Alexander stirred and fidgeted in his bed for hours. He gazed out the window at the night sky. Where is the sun? It has to almost be morning…. The chirping crickets outside his window played on his mind. He felt he might burst out of his skin at any moment. “That is it! I can’t take it anymore!” He wiggled out of bed and got dressed, stuffing several maps into his old leather pack. He folded the picture of his mother, slipping it securely in one pocket and the key in another. His father did not raise him to be irresponsible. His final task before leaving the cottage was to write his sweet grandmother a note. Grandmother, I am just outside exploring the forest. I will be back soon. Love, Alexander Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 15 He tiptoed out the door. Alexander did not know what he was looking for; he just knew that he should go. If he was going to find answers, now was the time. In the very early hours of the morning, it was still dark in the forest around his grandmother’s cottage. Twigs and leaves crunched under his shuffling feet. The forest was quiet, convincing Alexander that he was alone. He peered into the darkness. The cold air brought color to his cheeks. Suddenly, the branches just ahead of him rustled. “Who’s there?” A wicked cackle broke the silence. Alexander’s eyes grew wide. “Stop playing games! You’re not funny!” His chest tightened like a fist. The trees surrounding him rattled, and several sets of beady yellow eyes pierced the darkness pointing directly at him. One set of eyes narrowed, giving Alexander an evil stare— “Screech!” Alexander darted through the trees, knocking a few of the creatures out of the way. They flailed about, exposing their raven-like silhouettes. Wings flapped inches from the side of his face. He tried to run faster, kicking up the dirt with his large feet. The ravens yanked at clumps of hair with their curved beaks. Specks of light appeared out of the air, quickly surrounding him. There were billions of them tickling his spine and bustling through his hair. The lights were playful and buzzing with energy. Alexander was breathless. He stopped running and allowed them to shield him from the ravens. His innocent investigation was quickly becoming a strange and terrifying adventure…. Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 16 Chapter Three A stiff throb in Alexander’s neck woke him from a restless sleep. He cautiously opened one eye. The morning sun streaked through the trees and reflected off the mist that draped the ferns. The lumpy old log he used as a pillow shifted under his head. A few remaining specks drizzled out of his hair and disappeared. “So it wasn’t a dream,” he moaned, massaging the pain out of his neck. His surroundings seemed safe, as there were no ravens present. Still, Alexander tiptoed with a guarded posture. The enchantment of the forest had him almost expecting a unicorn to prance by at any moment. He stroked his dirty fingers along his temples. Wicked ravens with glowing eyes and a strange swarming energy field of twinkling lights—nothing made sense. Were they the same lights from his recurring dream? There was something suspicious about his grandmother’s cottage and the forest around it. He wandered aimlessly for most of the morning, making little or no progress. Feeling worn out and discouraged, he perched himself on a rock to rest and study his maps. “Everything looks the same. These stupid maps aren’t telling me anything!” He threw a stone into the mist and listened as it plunked off several trees, creating an echo. Another decent throwing stone sat at his feet, so he grabbed it up and pulled his arm back to get some muscle behind his second attempt. “Don't do that!” a voice cried out from the forest. Alexander dropped his rock. “Hello…?” He was a clumsy mess, stumbling over bushes and logs. “Who said that?” “Don't you realize that trees are also living things? Perhaps they don't appreciate having stones tossed at them,” the voice scolded back. Alexander paced around, glancing through branches and shrubs for any sign of life. Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 17 “Stop right there!” the voice bellowed up from Alexander's feet. He stopped immediately and looked down, only to see a bulgy-eyed frog staring up at him with purpose. “Who's there?” “There is no need to shout. I am right here,” the voice responded, sounding irritated. The creature then proceeded to leap on a log, getting eye-level with Alexander. He stood proudly with long green gangly legs and scrawny arms held poignantly on his hips to show that it was indeed him, and he was not to be taken lightly. Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 18 Alexander responded to the frog's actions with a somewhat blank expression and continued nervously rambling, “A-a-am I crazy? Did you just speak?” The frog rolled his very round eyes and let out a sigh. “What are you talking about, boy? I can’t make sense of your nonsense!” “It's true, you are speaking to me—b-but how?” “Yes! Finally, a breakthrough—I am speaking to you and using a great deal of time that we cannot afford to waste! I have been waiting for you.” “You've been waiting for me? Why?” “Yes, you, Alexander. Please, I will explain everything. For now, you must come with me.” With that, the frog turned and hopped away. “Wait! How do you know my name? Who are you?” He chased the frog through the shrubs, trying desperately not to lose him. “This is crazy!” “My goodness, young man, you certainly aren't timid about asking questions, are you? I told you, I will explain everything in due time!” The frog glared at Alexander and picked up his pace. “My name is Ferdinand. If you want answers, you must come with me.” “Ferdinand, I don't understand how you could have been waiting for me. I mean, it's just impossible. How did you know I would be here?” Alexander huffed and puffed. The creature was quick for his size. “Alexander, you must understand that nothing happens by accident. I knew you would be here because this is the path your family has chosen for you. Right now, that is all that matters.” Ferdinand finally stopped, allowing Alexander to catch up. “Did you bring the key with you young man?” “Oh, yes! Is this what you are talking about?” Alexander pulled the strange key out of his pocket. The sparkle and beautiful chiming intensified in his hands. Ferdinand was mesmerized. “I haven't seen that key since....” The frog's eyes gleamed. It was apparent he had a Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 19 connection to the key. “Let’s see if it still works.” The creature disappeared into a thick fern. Alexander pushed the fern back to find him rubbing his long-fingered hands together with anticipation in front of a large dead tree. “Okay, it’s a dead tree. What are we doing here?” “Hush!” Ferdinand whispered with a sting in his tone. “We must watch for the Passageway. It appears; then it's gone at the blink of an eye.” Within seconds, the rays of the sun shot through gaps in the surrounding trees onto the thick trunk. A small portion at the base took on a brassy tone, and radiant emerald leaves instantly sprouted from every curvy branch. “It’s—it’s—magic—it has to be! Amazing! ” Alexander gasped. This was the tree in his dreams. A glowing light beamed through the center, forming a slit barely large enough for the key to fit in. Alexander brought his hands to his face, partially covering his eyes. “I—I can't believe this is happening!” “Alexander, hurry—the key—put it in!” Alexander fumbled with the key and quickly slid it in the slot. The key turned on its own, without the help of Alexander's nervous fingers. Almost immediately, a portion of the tree dissolved into the tiny specks of light Alexander knew all too well. They danced in celebration, creating an intense energy field. “Come, Alexander—we must move quickly!” Ferdinand took a blind leap into the specks of light and disappeared. “I'm afraid!” Alexander was frantic. He had visited this tree in his dreams many times before. Could his mother have been trying to tell him something? “This is crazy! What have I gotten myself into?” This was far beyond anything Alexander could have ever imagined, but his heart ached for his mother, and he wanted answers. He knew if he truly wanted things in his life to Alexander Drake’s Extraordinary Pursuit 20 change, this was something he must do. He closed his eyes and took a flying leap into the tree. |
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