Chapter 3 Cancer Yin & Yang Syndrome Many people believe there was no cancer disease in the “olden days”. This is not true. The Yin and Yang of Cancer are called Youn and Ju. Youn and Ju can grow both internally and externally on the body. Though according to traditional concepts of Chinese Medicine, they have two different natures. Youn indicates Yang nature, as it is hot and a repletion syndrome. Ju indicates a Yin nature, as it is cold and a vacuity syndrome. The cancer syndrome shows Yang nature through thin skin, scarlet color, opulent development (severe swelling) with skin pores obvious, like black pepper, and the presence of pain. Yin nature is seen in thick layers like cow neck skin, light color, lack of internal pus, and no pain. It appears swollen, yet can sink. Its opulent skin includes putrid tissue. There is also Yang included in Yin. This is seen when it looks cold, but is not, or when it doesn’t look swollen, but is repletion. It could also appear slightly red, but be dry, or hold pus and have a painful sensation. Though its outside is not opulent, its inside could be repletion and extensible. Yin being included in yang is usually seen with overweight people. Their muscle may look full and tight, but are actually loose and empty. Yang being included in yin is usually seen with thin people. Though they may appear to have less muscle, it is a state of repletion. Some conditions begin as yang and later change to yin. This is the result of poor manipulation by doctors using excessive cold-natured herbs on the patient. Similarly, conditions that originally were yin can change to yang. This occurs when hot-natured herbs are applied too suddenly. However, the yang nature changes to be yin, it can still be reversed to be yang. It is more difficult to reverse the effect when the yin nature changes to yang. Most such cases are incurable, and seldom do the patients survive. Many immortal masters, including the Taoist master Zao Yi Zen, gave their points of view on cancer yin and cancer yang as follows: “Qi is the primitive substance which sustains a living creature’s life. Human organs receive nourishment from qi. The stomach digests grains and produces grain qi. The spleen refines grain qi into initial blood qi for the liver produces blood, and the heart transports blood throughout the body. Though cancer yin and cancer yang can be classified as the states of vacuity and repletion, or as cold and hot, they become Youn or Ju because a person’s blood qi is depressed. Three causes can make it like this: internal, external, or neither internal nor external.” The internal cause can be detected by checking qi energy at the Ren Yin pulse point which is located 0.1 tsun off Nei Guan (P 6) on the left wrist. The external cause can be detected by checking qi energy at the Qi Kao pulse point 0.1 tsun off of Nei Guan on the right wrist. If Ren Yin and Qi Kao stay in a harmonious state, then the problem is neither internal nor external. Generally they could be from: 1. Allergic reaction to the environment. 2. Emotional attitude. 3. Contagious virus. 4. Cold weather and hot weather influences. 5. The consumption of grilled meat, alcohol and cinnabar elixirs (western drugs). These five unhealthy sources invade the internal body, fight with body’s qi (blood qi, and ancestor qi). When the body does not carry pure qi, its metabolism fails to function. When impure qi accumulates in one place, it forms stagnant tissue. That tissue is what we call cancer yin or cancer yang. There is an old saying, “While its outside looks large as a millet, its inside can contain a rice grain. While its outside looks large as a coin, its inside can hold a fist.” If a poisonous pus connects like a tube to deep muscle, the problem can be cured by applying an herbal plaster. If it smells and does not connect with deep muscle, the person’s blood and qi is declining, and his yang qi is diminishing as his yin qi dominates. When this occurs, even the immortals cannot heal him. When the herbal surgeon makes a prescription, he needs to check the patient’s body state as vacuity or repletion, and the illness state as cold or hot. He must research the cause of the illness and find its original infected source before he can proceed with the healing method. The internal cause responds to external symptoms. All of these cannot be illustrated with one example. If the illness originates from excessive heat, the treatment will consider following the direction of its qi flow, making the blood flow evenly. While following the direction of qi flow, the poisonous substance will be carried out of body, his blood will flow evenly without being sluggish. While the blood flow is even, blood stasis will not be formed, and any that may have previously formed will also be removed. Because qi is yang in nature, blood is yin. If yin and yang reaches a harmonious state, the patient’s illness can be calmed. Apply cold-natured herbs externally. A blood clot, which is excessive heat, will disperse by receiving cold nature. In cases where a blood clot is not dispersed, the patient’s body heat declines and the blood becomes frozen because of cold. This is how a yang-natured cancer gradually turns to yin-nature. This is also the main reason that a patient’s muscle tissue becomes putrid. At this point the treatment must be converted to warm nature herbs. First, confine the cancer by surrounding it with cold natured herbs This keeps it from spreading out. Then, the herbal surgeon can clear the center part of cancer that has turned to poisonous pus by placing warm natured herbs on top of it. A good outcome can be expected using this method. (Readers can clarify this treatment in the later chapter). If the patient’s illness is yin-natured, it has excessive cold. Mild nourishment herbs are needed in order to raise the patient’s qi and boost his blood. His body’s original yang needs assistance. By doing this, the patient’s spleen and stomach organs become well regulated. Wait for the patient to increase food intake which restores his energy. The herbal surgeon should keep the qi and blood flow steady, using the regular method of applying hot-natured herbs on yin cancer. The patient’s qi and blood will act like a tide, saving the dead muscle and expelling the poisonous substance out of the body. Finally, use warm natured herbs to conclude the case. When there is an excessive cold syndrome that is wrongly treated by using cold natured herbs, the herbal surgeon must triple the process to regain the patient’s yang energy. The patient’s illness has been converted into a different syndrome and needs a new method for resolution. When yin cancer is converted into yang, there is evidence of new life in the affected tissue. However, if the patient’s internal yang qi is not established, such evidence will gradually disappear. This is explained as scanty yang qi on the patient’s wound and excessive yin qi in the patient’s body. The herbal surgeon cannot cure this. Qi is yang and blood is yin. When yang makes a movement, yin definitely follows. When qi begins to circulate, blood starts to flow. If qi does not circulate, blood becomes stagnate and dead. When this happens, muscle tissue dies too. A patient dies when muscle tissue dies. Use hot-natured herbs for cold syndromes, in order to regulate qi and blood to their proper functions. Qi and blood will flow, if kept in a warm environment. They come to a stop when their environment become cold. Though effective results can be obtained by using cold or hot-natured herbs on hot and cold syndromes respectively. It is a priority to have the patient swallow Ru Xiang (frankincense) and Lu Dou (mung bean) before treatment. These two herbs protect the heart and pericardium from injury. The heart is the lord of the body. The pericardium acts like a bellow for internal organs. When the patients have cancer or abscess syndrome, the poisonous substance will move through the body and attack these organs. Some healers suggest getting the patient to vomit before treating cancer. Others suggest treating cancer first and then inducing vomit. All of them are trying to protect the heart and pericardium. The pericardium has its root in the heart. If it is not protected first, the heart will be infected by the poison in the end and the patient’s spirit will have no place to abide. The patient’s original qi starts to wither. When cancer or abscess syndrome arises, poisonous substance will putrefy the related muscle. If a protection method is not adopted in advance, poisonous qi will be able to penetrate the fascia of pericardium. When this happens, the patient’s original qi is dispersed and his internal organs can no longer receive nourishment. The spirit then becomes withered as meridian qi is depleted. There are cases where the patients have a serious illness, and their bones and internal organs can be seen through transparent skin, yet they do not die because their pericardium was preserved. At the same time, there are cases where the patients have a mild illness, and their muscle is not putrefied or penetrated, but because their pericardium is damaged, they die. Thus, it is of extreme priority to save heart and protect the pericardium. This method is passed down from the immortals. Its power is incomprehensible. Ordinary physicians are unable to obtain this knowledge. All the herbal surgeon remember my advice: Treat this formula with high respect! Continues... |
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