POSSIBILITY Awaken and See the Possibilities in the World around You. The Universe is made up of energy. It moves all around us and through us, linking everything we do, say, think,and feel with many other people, in many other places. Many of us go through our entire lives without ever becoming aware that this energy is the true nature of the Universe. Once you do, however, you will have an enormous resource at your disposal that can make it possible for you to realize your dreams. All of them. I remember the first time my eyes were opened to the way in which all of the energy in the Universe is connected and how I am connected to all of it in turn. I was rushing, trying to catch my flight from Toronto to Chicago, and completely caught up in the stresses of my own little world. My mind was full of all of the things I needed to do — mundane tasks, but when you are in that type of mindset, every little thing seems overly important. The night was cool and the sky was clear, and as I neared the terminal,I just happened to look up. And that’s when it hit me. Hovering above me in the sky, I saw a stunningly clear blanket of stars. It took my breath away, and I could do nothing but stand and stare up at this essence of natural beauty. I almost thought I could feel the energy from those many stars reaching through the night air to touch me in that moment. And indeed, that was exactly what was happening. It was not just a beautiful view I had suddenly become aware of. As I stood there,it hit me there are 400 billion stars in our galaxy, and our galaxy is only one of probably many millions in the Universe. Each of the stars in each of these galaxies is made up of energy — an energy that was reaching me at that moment through many layers of space and time. As I was contemplating this cosmic energy, it also occurred to me our own human bodies are really made up of the same energy as those stars,just in a different form. After all, we are made up of cells, which in turn are made up of atoms. Atoms, of course, are composed of subatomic particles — essentially energy. The same particles that make up all the stars in the galaxy and all of the galaxies in the Universe are also what make up our bodies and our minds. This was truly a life-changing realization for me. As the days and weeks went by, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I read anything and everything I could get my hands on that described this type of relationship. And what I found was even more eye opening — The Law of Attraction. Continues... |
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