Παρασκευή 21 Ιουνίου 2013

Ανέκδοτα, 16/06/2013- 20/06/2013

Jokes by ArcaMax, sponsored today by:
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A Woman's Random Thoughts

If you love something, set it free.
If it comes back, it will always be yours.
If it doesn't come back, it was never yours to begin with.
But, if it just sits in your living room, messes up your stuff, eats your food, uses your telephone, takes your money, and doesn't appear to realize that you had set it free... You either married it or gave birth to it.

Insanity is my only means of relaxation.

Reason to smile: Every 7 minutes of every day, someone in an aerobics class pulls a hamstring.

Women over 50 don't have babies because they would put them down and forget where they left them.

One of life's mysteries is how a 2 pound box of candy can make a woman gain 5 lbs.
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More of A Woman's Random Thoughts

Skinny people irritate me! Especially when they say things like, "You know, sometimes I just forget to eat." Now I've forgotten my address, my mother's maiden name, and my keys. But I've never forgotten to eat. You have to be a special kind of stupid to forget to eat.

A friend of mine confused her valium with her birth control pills. She had 14 kids, but she doesn't really care.

They keep telling us to get in touch with our bodies. Mine isn't all that communicative but I heard from it the other day after I said, "Body, how'd you like to go to the six o'clock class in vigorous toning?" Clear as a bell my body said, "Listen witch... do it and die."

The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing and then they marry him.

I read this article that said the typical symptoms of stress are: eating too much, impulse buying, and driving too fast. Are they kidding? That is my idea of a perfect day.

If men can run the world, why can't they stop wearing neckties? How intelligent is it to start the day by tying a noose around your neck?

Revenge of A Woman's Random Thoughts

My mind not only wanders, it sometime leaves completely.

The best way to forget all your troubles is to wear tight shoes.

The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don't know what you're doing, someone else does.

The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight because by then, your body and your fat are really good friends.

Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.

Sometimes I think I understand everything, then I regain consciousness.

I gave up jogging for my health... when my thighs kept rubbing together and setting my pantyhose on fire.

Amazing! You hang something in your closet for a while and it shrinks two sizes!

Going On The Wagon

I had eighteen bottles of whiskey in my cellar and was told by my wife that I had a drinking problem, and to empty the contents of each and every bottle down the sink, or else. I said I would and proceeded with the unpleasant task.

I withdrew the cork from the first bottle and poured the contents down the sink with the exception of one glass, which I drank.

I then withdrew the cork from the second bottle and did likewise with it, with the exception of one glass, which I drank.

I then withdrew the cork from the third bottle and poured the whiskey down the sink which I drank.

I pulled the cork from the fourth bottle down the sink and poured the bottle down the glass, which I drank.

I pulled the bottle from the cork of the next and drank one sink out of it, and threw the rest down the glass.

I pulled the sink out of the next glass and poured the cork down the bottle. Then I corked the sink with the glass, bottled the drink and drank the pour.

When I had everything emptied, I steadied the house with one hand, counted the glasses, corks, bottles, and sinks with the other, which were twenty-nine, and as the houses came by I counted them again, and finally I had all the houses in one bottle, which I drank.

I'm not under the affluence of incohol as some thinkle peep I am. I'm not half as thunk as you might drink. I fool so feelish I don't know who is me, and the drunker I stand here, the longer I get. 

Too-Jealous Wife

There was once a wife so jealous that when her husband came home one night and she couldn't find hairs on his jackets she yelled at him, "Great, so now you're cheating on me with a bald woman!"

The next night, when she didn't smell any perfume, she yelled again by saying, "She's not only bald, but she's too cheap to buy any perfume!"
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Dividing Nuts

On the outskirts of town, there was a huge nut tree by the cemetery fence. One day two boys filled up a bucketful of nuts and sat down by the tree, out of sight, and began dividing the nuts.

"One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me," said one boy.

The bucket was so full, several rolled out toward the fence.

Cycling down the road by the cemetery was a third boy. As he passed he thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. He slowed down to investigate. Sure enough, he heard, "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me."

He knew what it was. "Oh, my!" he shuddered, "It's Satan and St. Peter dividing the souls at the cemetery!" He cycled down the road as fast as he could and found an old man with a cane, hobbling along.

"Come quick!" said the boy. "You won't believe what I heard. Satan and St. Peter are down at the cemetery dividing the souls."

The man said, "Shoo, you brat! Can't you see I'm finding it hard to walk as it is!"

After several pleas, the man hobbled to the cemetery. Standing by the fence he heard, "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me..."

The old man whispered, "Boy, you've been telling the truth! Let's see if we can see the Devil himself."

Shivering with fear, they peered through the fence, yet they were still unable to see anything. The old man and the boy gripped the wrought iron bars of the fence tighter and tighter as they tried to get a glimpse of Satan. At last they heard, "One for you, one for me. And one last one for you. That's all. Now let's go get those nuts by the fence, and we'll be done."

They say the old guy made it back to town 5 minutes before the boy.

The Grieving Wife

Mary Clancy goes up to Father O'Grady after his Sunday morning service, and she's in tears. He says, "So what's bothering you, dear?"

She says, "Oh, Father, I've got terrible news. My husband passed away last night."

The priest says, "Oh, Mary, that's terrible. Tell me, Mary, did he have any last requests?"

She says, "That he did, Father..."

The priest says, "What did he ask, Mary?"

She says, "He said, 'Please, Mary, put down that darned gun!'"

Why God Never Received Tenure at Any University

1. He had only one major publication.
2. It was in Hebrew.
3. It had no references.
4. It wasn't published in a referred journal.
5. Some doubt He wrote it by Himself.
6. He may have created the world, but what has he done since?
7. The scientific community can't replicate His results.
8. He never got permission from the ethics board to use human subjects.
9. When one experiment went awry, He tried to cover it up by drowning the subjects.
10. He rarely came to class and just told students, "Read the Book."
11. Some say He had His son teach class.
12. He expelled His first two students. 13. His office hours were irregular and sometimes held on a mountain top.
14. Although there were only 10 requirements, all students failed save His Son. 

Jokes by ArcaMax, sponsored today by:
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Editor's Note: You receive Late Night Jokes because you are subscribed to the Jokes ezine. This PM edition is sent Monday through Friday.

Click here to stop receiving the evening edition.

Late Night Funny #1

Big breaking news about something we’ve known for like seven years, which is that your phone calls are being tracked and your emails are being accessed by the government. And married men all over are saying, ‘The government? Thank God. I thought you were going to say my wife’.

Bill Maher
Weight Loss Secrets... 2 Weeks To A New You!

Guess what's here? Yep, summer for half the world. The question
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wherever without feeling & looking like a whale. Free guide shows
you the quickest way to get there. Shed 14 pounds in two weeks!!
Look like a model. Time to turbo-charge! Start Today...

Late Night Funny #2

The White House today closed the gift shop and opened a Verizon store after it was revealed that the National Security Agency seized millions of Verizon phone records. How ironic is that? We wanted a president who listens to all Americans. Now we have one.

Jay Leno

Late Night Funny #3

President Obama was visiting a middle school yesterday, and while he was there he said that every school in the U.S. should have high-speed Internet. Then it got awkward when one kid said, ‘Why, so you can read our emails faster?’

Jimmy Fallon

Late Night Funny #4

Michelle Obama was heckled this week. Did you see that? Wow, she’s tough. Obama always stays cool when he gets heckled, but Michelle was like all Game of Thrones on this woman. She said, ‘If I wanted to hear your opinion, my husband will tap your phone’.

Bill Maher

Jokes by ArcaMax, sponsored today by:
Performance-Boosting Secret of Olympic Athletes Could be a Boon for Your Circulation
2012 Olympic athletes were spotted drinking a red "elixir" they claimed gave them a natural (and legal) competitive edge in winning the games. Many that drank this mysterious "nectar" finished at the top of their sport. This same red juice has also been shown to boost circulation, promote healthy blood pressure and increase energy and stamina for those over 40. The juice of this red vegetable could very well be the hottest topic in health journalism at this very moment.Find out more >>

A Dollar Per Point

A professor was giving a big test one day to his students. He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait.

Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in. The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying "A dollar per point."

The next class the professor handed the graded tests back out. This student got back his test, his test grade, and $64 change.
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Arresting Mom

A police recruit was asked on an exam, "What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?"

In the blank, he wrote, "Call for backup."

The Great Writer

There was once a young man who, in his youth, professed his desire become a great writer.

When asked to define "great" he said, "I want to write stuff that the whole world will read, stuff that people will react to on a truly emotional level, stuff that will make them scream, cry, howl in pain and anger!"

He now works for Microsoft, writing error messages.

Computer Gender

Why computers should be considered masculine:

1. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.

2. They have a lot of data but are still clueless.

3. They are supposed to help you solve your problems, but half the time they ARE the problem.

4. As soon as you commit to one, you realize that, if you had waited a little longer, you could have had a better model.

Why computers should be considered feminine:

1. No one but their creator understands their internal logic.

2. The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else.

3. Even your smallest mistakes are stored in long-term memory for later retrieval.

4. As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your paycheck on accessories for it. 

Jokes by ArcaMax, sponsored today by:
Performance-Boosting Secret of Olympic Athletes Could be a Boon for Your Circulation
2012 Olympic athletes were spotted drinking a red "elixir" they claimed gave them a natural (and legal) competitive edge in winning the games. Many that drank this mysterious "nectar" finished at the top of their sport. This same red juice has also been shown to boost circulation, promote healthy blood pressure and increase energy and stamina for those over 40. The juice of this red vegetable could very well be the hottest topic in health journalism at this very moment.Find out more >>
Editor's Note: You receive Late Night Jokes because you are subscribed to the Jokes ezine. This PM edition is sent Monday through Friday.

Click here to stop receiving the evening edition.

Late Night Funny #1

The NSA has been listening in on phone calls. It’s people with cellphones — you hear these people walking down the street screaming into their cellphones. They’re the ones who are upset about people listening to their phone calls.

David Letterman
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Late Night Funny #2

This weekend, President Obama held talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping. It went well, although it got awkward when Obama asked China to stop spying on America and Jinping said, ‘You first’.

Jimmy Fallon

Late Night Funny #3

Mr. President, no one is saying you broke any laws, we’re just saying it’s a little bit weird you didn’t have to.

John Oliver

Late Night Funny #4

A former technical assistant for the CIA named Edward Snowden leaked the story that the federal government was collecting phone records from Verizon customers. Snowden said, ‘You’re being watched’. To which NBC executives said, ‘Finally! We would love to be watched’.

Jay Leno

Jokes by ArcaMax, sponsored today by:
I'll be honest with you...

They didn't want you to see this, BUT, to get it into your hands, I've made a promise to only show it to a handful of my active Subscribers. The cream of the crop! And, I chose you! Please, do not share it with anyone, no matter how much they Beg! Top Secret! We'll talk soon...

Movie Theater Navigation

"Pardon me, lady", said the man trying to get back to his seat in the darkened movie theater, "but did I step on your toes a few minutes ago?"

"You certainly did!!", said the woman in the aisle seat.

"Good, then I'm in the right row!" the man said as he went back to his seat.
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Teacher: If you multiplied 50 by 8 and then divided by 4, what would you get?

Student: The wrong answer.

Is This Larry



"Is that you, Larry?"

"Yes, this is Larry."

"Are you sure this is Larry."

"Yes I'm sure, this is Larry !"

"This is Pete... can you lend me twenty dollars ?"

"I'll tell Larry when he comes in."

Excessive Skepticism

A guy and his dog go into a barroom. The bartender says, "Hey, get that dog out of here... we don't allow dogs in here."

Wait a minute, the guy says, "This is no ordinary dog ! This is 'Plato' the talking dog !" "Yeah, sure" says the bartender.

I'll prove it to you," says the guy. "Plato... what's on top of a building?"

"ROOF !" says the dog.

"Look," says the bartender, "just how dumb do you think I am?"

"Wait a minute," says the guy. "Plato, how does sandpaper feel?"

"RUFF !" says the dog.

"Do I have 'stupid' tattooed across my forehead or something," says the bartender. "Now get that dog out of here! "

"Wait.. I'm not through", says the guy. "Plato, who was the greatest baseball player of all time?" "RUTH !" says the dog.

"That does it !! " says the bartender, and he throws them both out on the street.

Outside, the dog looks at his owner and says, "Do you think I should have gone with DiMaggio?"
Jokes by ArcaMax, sponsored today by:
I'll be honest with you...

They didn't want you to see this, BUT, to get it into your hands, I've made a promise to only show it to a handful of my active Subscribers. The cream of the crop! And, I chose you! Please, do not share it with anyone, no matter how much they Beg! Top Secret! We'll talk soon...
Editor's Note: You receive Late Night Jokes because you are subscribed to the Jokes ezine. This PM edition is sent Monday through Friday.

Click here to stop receiving the evening edition.

Late Night Funny #1

According to a poll, the majority of Americans are OK with the Obama administration listening in on our phone calls. Guys approve because they feel it increases security. And women approve of Obama’s policy because finally a man is listening to them.

Conan O'Brien
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Late Night Funny #2

Top Ten Reasons I Love Being in the United States Army

10. You haven't lived until you've eaten rehydrated beef brisket
9. Get to visit exotic places, like Trenton, New Jersey
8. No can opener? Just run over the can with a tank
7. Sir, you're never unsure how to begin and end a sentence, Sir
6. Cutting-edge technology, like our machine that controls the weather
5. I really, really, really enjoy push-ups
4. In an Apache helicopter, you tend to have the right-of-way
3. Always have an answer when someone says, "You and whose army?"
2. Camouflage brings out my eyes
1. Working among the most talented men and women this country has to offer, and the free haircuts

David Letterman

Late Night Funny #3

The guy who blew the whistle on the NSA scandal is a former security worker named Edward Snowden. He is a high school dropout. He was making $122,000 a year. He lived in Hawaii. He was engaged to a beautiful former ballerina. And he gave it all up. So not only is he a whistleblower. He’s also a moron.

Jay Leno

Late Night Funny #4

Hillary Clinton finally joined Twitter yesterday and racked up more than 200,000 followers in only five hours. Yeah, they were like, ‘Hillary in 2016!’ and ‘Washington needs Hillary!’ and ‘Hillary for the White House!’ That’s not her followers. Those were her tweets. 

Jokes by ArcaMax, sponsored today by:
Angelina Jolie Double Mastectomy...

It was recently revealed that actress and humanitarian Angelina Jolie underwent a preventive double mastectomy after learning that she carries a mutation of the BRCA1 gene, which sharply increased her risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Would You Elect To Have a Preventive Surgery... if You Had a High Risk For Cancer? Take the poll >>

The Psychiatrist and Proctologist

Two doctors, a psychiatrist and a proctologist, opened an office in a small town and put up a sign reading: "Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones: Hysterias and Posteriors."

The town council was not happy with the sign, so the doctors changed it to read, "Schizoids and Hemorrhoids."

This was not acceptable either, so in an effort to satisfy the council, they changed the sign to "Catatonics and High Colonics." No go.

Next, they tried "Manic Depressives and Anal Retentives." Thumbs down again.

Then came "Minds and Behinds." Still no good.

Another attempt resulted in "Lost Souls and Butt Holes." Unacceptable again!

So they tried "Analysis and Anal Cysts." Not a chance.

"Nuts and Butts?" No way.

"Freaks and Cheeks?" Still no go.

"Loons and Moons?" Forget it.

Almost at their wit's end, the doctors finally came up with:

Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones, "Odds and Ends."

Everyone loved it.

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24 Hours to Live

Barry returned from a doctor's visit one day and told his wife Carol that the doctor said he only had 24 hours to live. Wiping away her tears, he asked her to be intimate. Of course she agreed.

Six hours later, Barry went to her again, and said, "Darling, now I only have 18 hours left to live. Maybe we could be intimate?" Carol agreed.

Later, Barry was getting into bed when he realized he now had only eights hours of life left. He touched Carol's shoulder and said, "Darling please? Just one more time before I die?" She agreed, and then afterwards she rolled over and fell asleep.

Barry, however, lay there awake and listened to the clock ticking in his head, tossing and turning until he was down to only four more hours.

He tapped his wife on the shoulder to wake her up. "Darling, I only have four hours left! Could we...?"

His wife sat up abruptly, turned to him and said, "Listen, I'm not being funny Barry, but I have to get up in the morning and you don't!"

Dr. Epstein

Dr. Epstein was a renowned physician who earned his undergraduate, graduate, and medical degrees in his home town and then left for Manhattan, where he quickly rose to the top of his field.

Soon he was invited to deliver a significant paper, at a conference, coincidentally held in his home town. He walked on stage and placed his papers on the lectern, but they slid off onto the floor. As he bent over to retrieve them, at precisely the wrong instant, he inadvertently passed wind, loudly.

The microphone amplified his mistake resoundingly through the room and reverberated it down the hall.

He was quite embarrassed but somehow regained his composure just enough to deliver his paper. He ignored the resounding applause and raced out the stage door, never to be seen in his home town again.

Decades later, when his elderly mother was ill, he returned to visit her. He reserved a hotel room under the name of Levy and arrived under cover of darkness.

The desk clerk asked him, "Is this your first visit to our city, Mr. Levy?"

Dr. Epstein replied, "Well, young man, no, it isn't. I grew up here and received my education here, but then I moved away."

Why haven't you visited?" asked the desk clerk.

"Actually, I did visit once, many years ago, but an embarrassing thing happened and since then I've been too ashamed to return."

The clerk consoled him. "Sir, while I don't have your life experience, one thing I have learned is that often what seems embarrassing to me isn't even remembered by others. I bet that's true of your incident too."

Dr. Epstein replied, "Son, I doubt that's the case with my incident."

"Was it a long time ago?"

"Yes, many years."

The clerk asked, "Was it before or after the Epstein Breaking Wind?"

The Top 12 Indicators The Economy Is Bad

12. CEO's are now playing miniature golf.

11. You got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.

10. You go to buy a toaster oven and they gave you a bank.

9. Hot wheels and Matchbox car companies are now trading higher than GM and Chrysler in the stock market.

8. Obama met with small businesses - GE, Pfizer, Chrysler, Citigroup and GM, to discuss the Stimulus Package.

7. McDonalds is selling the 1/4 ounce Big Mac.

6. People in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and are learning their children's names.

5. The highest paid job is now jury duty.

4. People in Africa are now donating money to Americans.

3. Motel Six won't leave the lights on anymore.

2. The Mafia is laying off judges.

1. If the bank returns your check marked as "insufficient funds," you have to call them to ask if they meant you or them. 

Jokes by ArcaMax, sponsored today by:
Angelina Jolie Double Mastectomy...

It was recently revealed that actress and humanitarian Angelina Jolie underwent a preventive double mastectomy after learning that she carries a mutation of the BRCA1 gene, which sharply increased her risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Would You Elect To Have a Preventive Surgery... if You Had a High Risk For Cancer? Take the poll >>
Editor's Note: You receive Late Night Jokes because you are subscribed to the Jokes ezine. This PM edition is sent Monday through Friday.

Click here to stop receiving the evening edition.

Late Night Funny #1

Due to the government spy scandal, sales of the classic George Orwell book ’1984′ have skyrocketed. So the fallout is worse than we thought. It’s making Americans read.

Conan O'Brien
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Earn $5 per day for doing things you already do! Plus, receive a $20 Opportunity when you join today! Make sure to complete the registration so that you receive your daily offer to earn $5 in 5 minutes! Click Here...

Late Night Funny #2

Evil Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and his wife, Connie, have been married a long time, and everybody thought they were happily married. Well, last week Putin announced he was divorcing Connie. And when Chris Humphries heard that, he said, ‘You can do that, really?’ So far, it’s a very amicable divorce. So far, Connie is still alive.

David Letterman

Late Night Funny #3

There are reports that female terrorists are being fitted with exploding breast implants. How many guys are going to use this as an excuse? ‘Honey, I’m not looking at her breasts. I’m working for Homeland Security’

Jay Leno

Late Night Funny #4

Conservative commentator Glenn Beck is suffering from paralyzed vocal cords that have made him unable to speak. But not to worry – doctors are working around the clock to make sure this condition continues.

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