Κυριακή 23 Ιουνίου 2013

Harmony Begins-The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America

Today's Featured Books Jun. 23, 2013
Today's Emerging Author

Harmony Begins

by Sabiha Vorajee
ISBN / ASIN: 1609117697
It was said all who came to Harmony came seeking that which its name promised. From far and wide they travelled, hoping the town of Harmony was indeed the place of tranquillity and peace that they longed for.
Nestled between the warm turquoise-blue Pacific Ocean and majestic ice-cool Harmony Lake, the picturesque town had grown from the desire of the convict colony of Botany Bay & Sydney Harbour to find an oasis from Australia’s burgeoning criminal classes. It had created its own history since the late nineteenth century, with its fair share of happiness and tragedy. Even now, Harmony could not always stick to its name.
In a cove of the lake, her hair trailed in the water. Long, dark silk tresses, like serpents winding in and out of the silver shimmering lake coiled in perfect loops ready to unwind and be free. The wind lifted the edges of her locks, daring to liberate them from their watery grave, but the rippling waves reflecting blue-grey, brown and indigo were far too powerful for the paltry breeze. Instead, they danced with the mane of glossy chocolate-brown and drew it in closer, wrapping it in an embrace from which there ...
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Today's Bestseller

The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America

by Erik Larson
ISBN / ASIN: 0375725601
The Black City
How easy it was to disappear:
A thousand trains a day entered or left Chicago. Many of these trains brought single young women who had never even seen a city but now hoped to make one of the biggest and toughest their home. Jane Addams, the urban reformer who founded Chicago's Hull House, wrote, "Never before in civilization have such numbers of young girls been suddenly released from the protection of the home and permitted to walk unattended upon the city streets and to work under alien roofs." The women sought work as typewriters, stenographers, seamstresses, and weavers. The men who hired them were for the most part moral ...
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